Source: helpers/SPE.ShaderAttribute.js

 * A helper to handle creating and updating a THREE.BufferAttribute instance.
 * @author  Luke Moody
 * @constructor
 * @param {String} type          The buffer attribute type. See SPE.ShaderAttribute.typeSizeMap for valid values.
 * @param {Boolean=} dynamicBuffer Whether this buffer attribute should be marked as dynamic or not.
 * @param {Function=} arrayType     A reference to a TypedArray constructor. Defaults to Float32Array if none provided.
SPE.ShaderAttribute = function( type, dynamicBuffer, arrayType ) {
    'use strict';

    var typeMap = SPE.ShaderAttribute.typeSizeMap;

    this.type = typeof type === 'string' && typeMap.hasOwnProperty( type ) ? type : 'f';
    this.componentSize = typeMap[ this.type ];
    this.arrayType = arrayType || Float32Array;
    this.typedArray = null;
    this.bufferAttribute = null;
    this.dynamicBuffer = !!dynamicBuffer;

    this.updateMin = 0;
    this.updateMax = 0;

SPE.ShaderAttribute.constructor = SPE.ShaderAttribute;

 * A map of uniform types to their component size.
 * @enum {Number}
SPE.ShaderAttribute.typeSizeMap = {
     * Float
     * @type {Number}
    f: 1,

     * Vec2
     * @type {Number}
    v2: 2,

     * Vec3
     * @type {Number}
    v3: 3,

     * Vec4
     * @type {Number}
    v4: 4,

     * Color
     * @type {Number}
    c: 3,

     * Mat3
     * @type {Number}
    m3: 9,

     * Mat4
     * @type {Number}
    m4: 16

 * Calculate the minimum and maximum update range for this buffer attribute using
 * component size independant min and max values.
 * @param {Number} min The start of the range to mark as needing an update.
 * @param {Number} max The end of the range to mark as needing an update.
SPE.ShaderAttribute.prototype.setUpdateRange = function( min, max ) {
    'use strict';

    this.updateMin = Math.min( min * this.componentSize, this.updateMin * this.componentSize );
    this.updateMax = Math.max( max * this.componentSize, this.updateMax * this.componentSize );

 * Calculate the number of indices that this attribute should mark as needing
 * updating. Also marks the attribute as needing an update.
SPE.ShaderAttribute.prototype.flagUpdate = function() {
    'use strict';

    var attr = this.bufferAttribute,
        range = attr.updateRange;

    range.offset = this.updateMin;
    range.count = Math.min( ( this.updateMax - this.updateMin ) + this.componentSize, this.typedArray.array.length );
    // console.log( range.offset, range.count, this.typedArray.array.length );
    // console.log( 'flagUpdate:', range.offset, range.count );
    attr.needsUpdate = true;

 * Reset the index update counts for this attribute
SPE.ShaderAttribute.prototype.resetUpdateRange = function() {
    'use strict';

    this.updateMin = 0;
    this.updateMax = 0;

SPE.ShaderAttribute.prototype.resetDynamic = function() {
    'use strict';
    this.bufferAttribute.dynamic = this.dynamicBuffer;

 * Perform a splice operation on this attribute's buffer.
 * @param  {Number} start The start index of the splice. Will be multiplied by the number of components for this attribute.
 * @param  {Number} end The end index of the splice. Will be multiplied by the number of components for this attribute.
SPE.ShaderAttribute.prototype.splice = function( start, end ) {
    'use strict';

    this.typedArray.splice( start, end );

    // Reset the reference to the attribute's typed array
    // since it has probably changed.

SPE.ShaderAttribute.prototype.forceUpdateAll = function() {
    'use strict';

    this.bufferAttribute.array = this.typedArray.array;
    this.bufferAttribute.updateRange.offset = 0;
    this.bufferAttribute.updateRange.count = -1;
    this.bufferAttribute.dynamic = false;
    this.bufferAttribute.needsUpdate = true;

 * Make sure this attribute has a typed array associated with it.
 * If it does, then it will ensure the typed array is of the correct size.
 * If not, a new SPE.TypedArrayHelper instance will be created.
 * @param  {Number} size The size of the typed array to create or update to.
SPE.ShaderAttribute.prototype._ensureTypedArray = function( size ) {
    'use strict';

    // Condition that's most likely to be true at the top: no change.
    if ( this.typedArray !== null && this.typedArray.size === size * this.componentSize ) {

    // Resize the array if we need to, telling the TypedArrayHelper to
    // ignore it's component size when evaluating size.
    else if ( this.typedArray !== null && this.typedArray.size !== size ) {
        this.typedArray.setSize( size );

    // This condition should only occur once in an attribute's lifecycle.
    else if ( this.typedArray === null ) {
        this.typedArray = new SPE.TypedArrayHelper( this.arrayType, size, this.componentSize );

 * Creates a THREE.BufferAttribute instance if one doesn't exist already.
 * Ensures a typed array is present by calling _ensureTypedArray() first.
 * If a buffer attribute exists already, then it will be marked as needing an update.
 * @param  {Number} size The size of the typed array to create if one doesn't exist, or resize existing array to.
SPE.ShaderAttribute.prototype._createBufferAttribute = function( size ) {
    'use strict';

    // Make sure the typedArray is present and correct.
    this._ensureTypedArray( size );

    // Don't create it if it already exists, but do
    // flag that it needs updating on the next render
    // cycle.
    if ( this.bufferAttribute !== null ) {
        this.bufferAttribute.array = this.typedArray.array;
        this.bufferAttribute.needsUpdate = true;

    this.bufferAttribute = new THREE.BufferAttribute( this.typedArray.array, this.componentSize );
    this.bufferAttribute.dynamic = this.dynamicBuffer;

 * Returns the length of the typed array associated with this attribute.
 * @return {Number} The length of the typed array. Will be 0 if no typed array has been created yet.
SPE.ShaderAttribute.prototype.getLength = function() {
    'use strict';

    if ( this.typedArray === null ) {
        return 0;

    return this.typedArray.array.length;